5 Ways To Boost Energy Naturally 

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Do you find yourself looking for a food, beverage, supplement or daily habit that can increase your energy levels naturally? 

There are many products on the market claiming to be a quick cure for an energy boost. Whether it’s an energy drink, a powdered drink mix, a special juice or a supplement, everyone wants long lasting energy levels. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and credentialed health professional, I believe ensuring you have a good foundation of basic healthy habits in place, otherwise you’ll never truly learn the root cause of the energy imbalance in the first place. 

Below are 5 key good old fashion healthy habits to keep in mind, to develop and to nurture for better energy levels. 

Why Movement Improves Energy Levels 

We live in a sedentary world. We sit in our cars, we sit to work on the computer, we sit to watch television or while reading. This lack of movement can have many negative impacts on our health and one of those is a lack of energy! 

Moving the body daily can naturally support energy levels in many ways. Movement helps to increase oxygen circulation throughout the body helping to bring oxygen to the brain, organs and tissues supporting their functionality. 

Exercise and movement can also support mitochondrial health and the number of mitochondria in the muscle cells. Mitochondria are our “powerhouse” cells and are responsible for producing the energy that we use by generating ATP known as Adenosine Triphosphate. 

Regular movement also improves mood and cognitive health, supports better sleep, provides a boost of endorphins and “happy” hormones and supports hormonal health overall. 

There are also many studies that show that regular movements can support and help ease symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and depression (1). 

A great way to improve your energy levels all day long is to exercise in the morning or go on a mid-morning or post lunch walk! Take movement breaks every 30-60 minutes by getting up and stretching, rebounding on a trampoline, going on a brisk walk or even doing some jumping jacks or squats by your desk. 

How To Sleep For Better Energy Levels

When the body is sleeping it has time to rest, heal and repair. When we are sleep deprived we naturally experience lower energy levels, a decline in cognitive function and mood. Habits that can improve the quality and quantity of sleep include keeping a sleep routine, wearing light clothing to not overheat, exercise during the day to tire the body out at night, avoid caffeine late in the day, limit technology before bed and engage in a relaxing activity prior to sleep such as reading or taking a bath.  

One habit that can interfere with the quality of sleep and can also impact energy levels in the day, that many people may not even be aware of, is mouth breathing.

The best way to breathe is through the nose, also known as nasal breathing. Mouth breathing occurs when someone inhales and exhales through the mouth. Mouth breathing can result in fatigue, bad breath, headaches, snoring and lower oxygen levels. 

Reversely, nasal breathing can naturally filter the air, reducing the risk of bacteria and germs entering your body, use oxygen more efficiently, improve sleep quality, improve energy levels, boost mental clarity and result in less snoring.

If you breathe through your mouth while you sleep, using mouth tape can be a beneficial way to assess if you notice a difference in how you feel from helping your body breath through your nose at night rather than your mouth.

Lunar Mouth Tape is specifically designed to promote nasal breathing at night and improve oxygen intake. Lunar Tape enhances mental clarity by increasing oxygen intake for better brain function and increased oxygen flow supports concentration and cognitive abilities.

This tape is residue free, hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. Created by Dr. Tomek Pajak, this tape’s unique, lip-only adhesive prevents irritation and ensures comfort. 

Is mouth taping risky? It may pose a risk for people with undiagnosed sleep apnea. However, Lunar Mouth Tape is gentle and effective, with its thoughtfully designed size and shape making it generally safe for most people!

How Proper Nutrition Supports Cognitive Function 

We know that nutrition impacts brain health and brain function (2). The nutrients in the foods that we eat are the fuel and building blocks for a healthy body. The main nutrients we consume are known as macronutrients and include protein, fat and carbohydrates. 

The body needs protein to help build and repair tissues, maintain structure, support the immune system, help maintain fluid balance and act as an energy source. 

The body needs fat to support hormone and cellular communication, to serve as an energy source, to help the body absorb fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A,D,E, to help with brain development, blood clotting and manage inflammation, to support the nervous system and support healthy skin and hair. Did you also know that the brain is approximately 60% fat? Fat is an essential nutrient for optimal cognitive function and energy levels. 

The body also needs carbohydrates as it is the body’s preferred source of fuel and energy and is broken into glucose during digestion to either use or store as an energy source. 

While there are many food sources that contain carbohydrates such as crackers, cookies, cakes, soda and candy, these types of food provide a quick energy boost while, followed by a crash and also lacking nutritional value. Instead for optional health focus on eating real whole food sources of carbohydrates such as fruits, starchy vegetables, whole-grains and legumes. To further support energy and blood sugar balance, pair a carbohydrate with a protein and or fat which helps delay digestion and a slow and more sustained release of energy. 

In small amounts the body also needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to support energy production, protein and cell building, blood clothing, building healthy bones and teeth, fluid balance, enzyme and hormone production, nervous system function and more. 

The best diet for optimal energy levels includes eating a variety of real whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole-grains and quality protein. While every person’s dietary preferences, health needs and tolerances can vary… a foundation of good health is eating real, whole, minimally processed foods. Eating balanced meals is also helpful for energy levels. 

A balanced meal or snack includes three of the main macronutrients; carbohydrates, protein and fats. To further enrich the meal, adding in fruits, vegetables and focusing on high-fiber whole foods can support digestion, better blood sugar levels as well sustained energy levels. 

Here are examples of a few better balanced food pairings for sustained energy levels!

  • Banana (Carbohydrate, Fiber) + Peanut Butter (Protein, Fat, Fiber)
  • Apple (Carbohydrate, Fiber) + Almonds and Pumpkin Seeds (Protein, Fat, Fiber)
  • Sandwich: Sourdough Toast (Carbohydrate) + Avocado (Fat, Fiber) + Sliced Chicken (Protein) + Lettuce (Fiber)
  • Smoothie: Banana (Carbohydrate, Fiber), Protein Powder (Protein), Chia Seeds (Fiber, Fat, Protein), Berries (Fiber), Spinach (Fiber), Almonds Milk 

In short, eating a diet high in processed, low-nutritional value foods will not also deprive the body of proper nutrition for growth, development and health, it will also deprive the body of optimal energy levels. Focusing on eating real, whole foods and pairing foods properly can better support energy levels. 

How Proper Hydration Supports Cognitive Function 

Feeling slow, sluggish and having a difficult time making decisions can result from dehydration. Dehydration can also impact cognitive function. Up to sixty percent of the adult human body is water and therefore staying hydrated is essential for the health of the body and mind overall. Proper hydration helps brain cells communicate, removes toxins and waste through urine, water within the body helps with nutrition transportion, energy and hormone production supporting brain health and cellular communication. 

Great beverage options for proper hydration include filtered water, herbal teas or try adding fresh lemon juice to water. Drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, black tea, green tea and white tea can also act as a diuretic, which encourages the body to get rid of excess fluid through urine production. Therefore, be mindful of your intake of caffeinated beverages to ensure proper hydration and always hydrate before you caffeinate! 

Limit Placebo Energy Boosters

Caffeine from coffee, tea, chocolate and sugar give us a boost of energy… or do they? Yes, these drinks and foods will give you an energy boost. However, they also can result in an energy crash as well as increase nervous system function which can result in feeling anxious, jittery or on edge. These substances can also interfere with sleep. Therefore be mindful of the quantity and timing of their use. For example, while each person will vary on their level of sensitivity it’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages at 3pm, due to the length of time caffeine stays within the body, this can interfere with sleep perpetuating a cycle of fatigue and low energy levels. 

How To Improve Energy Levels Naturally  

In summary, while there are energy boosting drinks and supplements, nothing is truly as beneficial to your body in the short and long term as movement, proper sleep, good nutrition, hydration and being mindful of your intake of artificial energy sources. Chronic stress can also lead to fatigue and therefore developing healthy habits to manage stressors in life is essential for overall health. Care for your health with these habits and your current and future body will thank you! 

Disclosure: Thank you to Lunar Tape for sponsoring this educational blog post and for your passion in supporting healthy sleep habits and health and wellness overall. 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3632802/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2805706/ 

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