Bedroom Makeover + Nursery Nook Part One
Hi Friends! Today I’m sharing with you part one of our Bedroom Makeover and Nursery Took! As we prepare for baby 2 to arrive this Winter I’m creating a little nursery space for him in our room. Today’s video I’m sharing first our bed + mattress update and what our bedroom looked like before. To be honest I haven’t even started on the nursery nook yet… time is going by so fast this pregnancy! So I need to get started on that and in the next video I will be sharing the final space and can’t wait!!
For our Mattress we were gifted the most popular organic and natural mattress brand in the United States… the Avocado Mattress! It’s made with natural and Organic material so it’s completely non-toxic. An Organic Mattress is important to me because a few years ago I learned about “off-gasing” where essentially volatile organic compounds (VOCs) leak out of upholstery materials and mattress foams and into the air you breathe. These fumes cane include formaldehyde, toluene, chlorofluorocarbons benzene a whole list of things we want to stay away from. Studies have shown off-gasing can impact human health. So when it comes to picking out mattresses for our family it’s important to me that they are made with Organic materials and are GREENGUARD Gold certificated – which Avocado Mattress is both! Avocado Mattress not only makes really quality and comfortable mattresses but their website is also a great resource to learn more about your health and wellness when it comes to mattresses!
As you’ll see in the video I am still on the search for a great duvet / comforter! I bought one from Target that ended up being more of a dingy cream color and just didn’t look right. If you have any suggestions let me know! Also as mentioned, I am SO excited to put together the Nursery Nook space and just need to find the time and energy to get started ha! We’ll be keeping it very simple but still, it’s so fun to nest and create a little space I know we’ll spend hour rocking, changing diapers and (crossing my fingers) hopefully sleeping! If you’re not yet subscribed to our YouTube channel it’s a great way to never miss a video! Click here to subscribe!