Holiday Citrus Snack Board

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The holidays are the best time of year to gather with family and eat some of your favorite tasty treats! You’re going to love this plant-based Holiday Citrus Snack Board that is packed with bold flavors and nutritious snacks, making it the perfect treat for cozying up by the fire or watching your favorite holiday flick!

Holiday Citrus Snack Board

Print Recipe


  • 2 Limoneira blood oranges
  • 2 Limoneira navel oranges
  • 1 cup pretzels
  • 2 cups grapes
  • ¼ cup dried cranberries
  • ½ cup almonds
  • ½ cup Turkish apricots
  • ¼ cup chocolate covered raisins
  • 6 oz dark chocolate bar
  • Vegan cheese spread


  • Peel and slice citrus.
  • Arrange all your food on the board how you like and enjoy!
Servings: 0
Author: Healthy Grocery Girl

Wooden plank with an assortment of snacks.

Holiday snack board with citrus, chocolate and other fruit.

Wooden plank with a variety of fruit, vegan spreads and citrus.

Snack board with grapes, citrus, raisins, chocolate and vegan cheese.

This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel!  

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