Fruit and Vegetable Rainbow
Today we’re celebrating episode 8 of Fun With Food by making a rainbow of fruits and vegetables! While making this fun recipe we also learn the health benefits of different colorful foods as well as the letter R sound, counting, colors and of course there is a colorful surprise in the big cooking pot!
If you’re looking for learning videos for kids that are quality, wholesome and fun I recommend watching our new show, Fun With Food! Fun With Food is an Educational Cooking Show for Kids. In each episode, we make a recipe or go on a food adventure while learning about letters, numbers, colors, shapes, nutrition, feelings and more. Fun with Food is created and hosted by Megan Roosevelt, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and mom of 2.
Did you know that the colors in fruits and vegetables are part of what makes them so good for our body? Fruits and vegetables contain natural compounds that give them their color and some amazing health benefits! Do you want to see really well, run really fast and be super strong?! Well, eating colorful foods such as fruits and vegetables can help you do just that!
Health Benefits of Red Foods
Red foods are red because of a natural compound called lycopene. Red foods help you have a strong heart.
Health Benefits of Orange Foods
Orange foods are orange because of carotenoids. Carotenoids help your eyes stay healthy so you can see.
Health Benefits of Yellow Foods
Yellow foods are yellow also because of carotenoids. Yellow foods contain a lot of vitamin A which helps your skin stay healthy.
Health Benefits of Green Foods
Green foods are green because of chlorophyll. Green foods are good for digestion which is a fancy word for how your body gets energy from the foods you eat! Green foods also help you go poop!
Health Benefits of Blue Foods
Blue foods are blue because of an antioxidant pigment called anthocyanin. Those are big words that mean that blue foods help support a healthy, strong brain!
Health Benefits of Blue & Purple Foods
Purple foods are also purple because of the antioxidants anthocyanin. Purple foods can help you have a strong brain and support heart health!

Fruit and Vegetable Rainbow
Print RecipeIngredients
- 4 Strawberries
- 1 Clementine Mandarin Orange
- 1/4 Yellow Bell Pepper
- 1/2 Mini Cucumber
- 8-10 Blueberries
- 2-3 Purple Grapes
- Wash and slice the fruits and vegetables into small pieces, appropriate in size and safe per age of the child
- On a plate add a row of strawberries, then a row of orange segments, then a row of yellow bell pepper, then a row of cucumber, then a row of blueberries, then a row of grapes to make a… Rainbow!
- Enjoy!

Kid-Friendly Kitchen Tools
We love and use these knives!
Fun With Food colorful plates, see here!
Where To Watch Fun With Food
Watch more episodes of Fun With Food here!
You can can also follow along for more food fun on Instagram here @funwithfoodkids.
What Is Fun With Food?
Fun With Food is an Educational Cooking Show for Kids. In each episode, we make a recipe or go on a food adventure while learning about letters, numbers, colors, shapes, nutrition, feelings and more. Fun with Food is created and hosted by Megan Roosevelt, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and mom of 2.