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Hi Friends! Welcome back to the blog! Today we are sharing with you how to make a nutritious Orange Super Juice!!! This juice is packed with Vitamin A, which is essential for your immune system, eye care and overall skin health!

Valencia Orange Super Juice

Print Recipe


  • 2 Limoneira Valencia oranges
  • 1 pound carrots
  • 1 inch turmeric root


  • Wash and scrub all the produce.
  • Peel the turmeric root and oranges.
  • Cut oranges and carrots into slices.
  • Put all the produce through a juicer and serve chilled or over ice!
Servings: 0
Author: Healthy Grocery Girl

This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel! 

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