Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats
This recipe, Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats, was featured in my recent TV segment on CBS KCAL9! It is very similar to my Blueberry Maple Overnight Oat Recipe.
Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats
Serves 1
Overnight Oat Batter Ingredients:
1/2 cup regular oats
1 cup hemp or almond milk (more if needed)
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Layering Ingredients:
½ small apple
1 tablespoon walnuts
1 teaspoon 100% pure maple syrup
Oat Batter Directions: Add the oats, almond milk and cinnamon to a medium size bowl and with a large spoon mix all of the ingredients together, and set aside. Next, chop the small apple.
Layering Directions: In a 12 or 16-ounce mason jar, you will add the following ingredients in this order: overnight oat batter, the consistency will be runny and that’s ok, apples, overnight oat batter, walnuts, remaining apples, and maple syrup. Then, cover mason jar with lid, and store in the fridge overnight. In the morning, they are ready to eat, no cooking required. They are simple, healthy and delicious! *To make multiple servings, simply multiply ingredient quantities by how many servings you would like to make.
Health Benefits of This Meal!
Oatmeal: provides soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels, and oats are also a source of energizing carbohydrate
Cinnamon: provides natural flavor and can help manage blood sugar levels
Walnuts: provide Omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain and heart health
Maple syrup: provides natural sweetness and is naturally rich in the immune boosting minerals zinc and manganese