Easy Orange Pumpkin Snack

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Halloween is approaching, which means being bombarded with buying candy or making unhealthy treats. We’ve found a great alternative with this super cute, easy and healthy snack idea! These Easy Orange Pumpkins are the perfect healthy snack to celebrate the season and even get the kids involved! My daughter helped me make (and eat) these!

We love sneaking in vitamin C anywhere we can, which is why these mandarin oranges are perfect! One mandarin contains about 30-40% of your daily value, which is great for supporting your immune system! Vitamin C is also important for growth, development of bones and teeth and repairing body tissue! We can’t wait to see you snacking on these “pumpkins” all month! Head over to the HGG instagram page here to follow and post your pumpkin snacks!

Easy Orange Pumpkin Snack

Print Recipe


  • Limoneira mandarin oranges
  • Fresh mint
  • Fresh dill
  • Pretzel sticks


  • Peel mandarin oranges and add to a serving platter.
  • Add fresh dill, mint and a pretzel stick on the top of the oranges to resemble a pumpkin.
  • Serve and enjoy!
Servings: 0
Author: Healthy Grocery Girl

White plate with oranges topped with pretzels, dill and mint.

Oranges topped with pretzel and greens on white plate.

orange cuties on plate to look like pumpkins.

White plate with cuties that look like pumpkins.This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel!  

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