5 Simple Sustainability Tips
During the month of April we celebrate Earth Day! It’s the perfect time to reflect on sustainability and protecting our environment, which is why I’m sharing with you 5 Simple Sustainability Tips to Prevent Food Waste, Save Money and Be Environmentally Friendly!

5 Simple Sustainability Tips:
1. Shorter Showers
Just a 5 minute shower can result in 10-25 gallons of water! Keep your shower short which is better for your wallet and the environment.
2. Reusable Grocery Bags
Instead of choosing between paper or plastic, opt to bring your own reusable grocery bag! You can even find smaller bags specifically for all your produce!
3. Eat Seasonal
Eating seasonally can be more affordable and nutrient dense! Citrus is such a versatile fruit and is available year round thanks to the Limoneira One World of Citrus campaign! Make sure to use the whole citrus for zero waste. Compost your citrus and all your produce when you are done to help the environment!
4. Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
If you find yourself with lots of containers and glass jars, save them and reuse them for food storage or take them to the grocery store to fill up on bulk items!
5. Reusable Straws
Use a glass, metal or reusable straw! Did you know that every day in the United States, it’s estimated that we use over 500 million plastic straws! Plastic is polluting the ocean and hurting our marine life. Opt for a reusable straw to help take care of our planet!

This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel!