Summer Activity For Kids – DIY Lemon Boats

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Looking for a way to use up your lemons to help with zero waste and sustainability? We have the perfect solution! These DIY Lemon Boats are such a fun summer activity for the kids and one they can help create and make their own!

Decorate the flags with markers, crayons or even stickers! Add favorite toys and action figures and let your kids imagination go wild! We love “racing” the boats and even taking the container outside to enjoy splashing the boats around in the water!
Plastic container filled with water and diy lemon boats.

See below to view or print this activity! If you make these DIY Lemon Boats, please share a photo on Instagram and tag me @HealthyGroceryGirl so I can easily find and like your creations! It’s so fun to connect with you and see what recipes you’re enjoying.

For more HGG recipe ideas you can also visit the HGG YouTube channel here! 

DIY Lemon Boats

Print Recipe


  • Limoneira classic lemons
  • Toothpicks
  • Construction paper triangles


  • Hot glue together paper triangles to the toothpicks.
  • Cut lemons in half and juice to hollow out center.
  • Add a toothpick “flag” to each lemon half to form a boat.
  • Pour water into a large container and add in lemon boats. Enjoy!
Servings: 0
Author: Healthy Grocery Girl

Bucket filled with water and diy lemon boats with toy inside.

If you love these lemon boats, see below for more DIY Kid Friendly activities! As always all Healthy Grocery Girl strives to help your family live a more fun and toxic-free lifestyle!

Painting With Lemons

DIY Cardboard Box Playhouse Tutorial 

DIY Toddler Activity – Veggie Harvest

plastic container with water and diy lemon boats.

This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel! 

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