Dried Citrus Rose Bouquet

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Mother’s Day is approaching and flowers are such a timeless staple to show appreciation for your loved ones! Today we are sharing how to make a Dried Citrus Rose Bouquet! This beautiful bouquet is made from used citrus and is another simple way to promote sustainability by having zero waste! It also keeps the house smelling amazing!

These dried rose petals are incredibly easy to make and can be paired with any type of greenery for a gorgeous table centerpiece or a fun surprise on the bedside table!

Dried citrus bouquet with greenery.

See below to view or print this recipe! If you make this Rose Bouquet, please share a photo on Instagram and tag me @HealthyGroceryGirl so I can easily find and like your creations! It’s so fun to connect with you and see what recipes you’re enjoying.

For more HGG recipe ideas you can also visit the HGG YouTube channel here! 

Dried Citrus Rose Bouquet

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  • Limoneira navel oranges
  • Limoneira mandarin oranges
  • Limoneira classic lemons
  • Limoneira pink lemons
  • Greenery
  • Flower pot or vase


  • Using a paring knife, start at the top of your orange and begin to peel in a circular motion down the orange.
  • Roll long peel to create a rose shape.
  • Continue this for all oranges and lemons.
  • Let peels dry for 2 weeks.
  • Arrange with greenery in a pot to create a citrus bouquet!
Servings: 0
Author: Healthy Grocery Girl

White flower pot with dried citrus rose bouquet

If you love this DIY Dried Rose Bouquet, see below for more easy and cheap DIY household products! As always all Healthy Grocery Girl strives to help you and your family live a more toxic-free lifestyle!

Lemon Party Treat Cart

5 Simple Sustainability Tips

Mother’s Day Beauty DIY

White flower pot filled with greenery and dried citrus roses.

Dried citrus roses and greenery.

This video was created for the Limoneira YouTube Channel! Megan Roosevelt, RDN is the Spokesperson for Limoneira. To see all our tips & videos makes sure to visit & subscribe to the Limoneira YouTube Channel! 

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